Modern agriculture is thriving because of the critical services provided by contract labor. This sector of the industry faces a number of business challenges, from managing grower contracts to ensuring employee safety. It is essential that contract labor services have the knowledge and resources to address the many aspects of running a successful business. Fortunately, AgSafe is here to help.


La agricultura moderna está prosperando gracias a los servicios críticos proporcionados por los contratistas de trabajadores agrícolas (FLC). Los FLC’s enfrentan varios desafíos comerciales, desde negociar los contratos con los cultivadores/rancheros hasta garantizar la seguridad de los empleados. Es esencial que los FLC tengan el conocimiento y los recursos para abordar todos los aspectos de la administración de un negocio exitoso. Afortunadamente, AgSafe está aquí para ayudar.

AgSafe is a non-profit organization that works to give contract labor services the tools needed to be in compliance with federal, state and local regulations, as well as keep employees safe and healthy while continuing to run profitable, successful businesses. 


AgSafe offers a variety of services to support this sector of the industry, including continuing education programs, sample policies, supervisor trainings, and a specific membership that is focused on helping businesses tackle many of their challenges.


California Department of Labor Division of Labor Standards Enforcement

Farm Labor Contractor License Verifications

FLC License Verification

FLC Temporary License Verification

Farm Labor Contractor Rules and Regulations

Contractor Application Guide:


Contractor Application Instructions and Checklist


Farm Labor Contractor License Examination Study Guide


Exam Study Materials and Resources
English & Spanish

Sexual Harassment Prevention

FLC Supervisory Employee Disclosure Form – Effective January 1, 2015


Sexual Harassment Prevention Frequently Asked Questions – SB 1087| SB 295| SB 1343|


California License Quick Links

California Department of Pesticide Regulations

Farm Labor Contractor – Compliance Requirements

US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division

Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act Registered Farm Labor Contractor Listing

Instructions for a Farm Labor Contractor or Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration

Application for a Farm Labor Contractor or Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration

  • Del Bosque Farms, INC

    Legacy Circle

  • Alta Vineyard, LP

    Partners in Safety

  • ICW Group

    Partners in Safety

  • Vino Farms

    Partners in Safety

  • Innovative Produce

    Legacy Circle

  • Bayer Crop Science

    Legacy Circle

  • ASP Farm Services

    Legacy Circle

  • AG Health Benefits Alliance

    Partners in Safety

  • Cortina Vineyard Management

    Partners in Safety

  • Lakeside Organic Gardens

    Partners in Safety

  • Ma Garcia Agri Labor, INC.

    Partners in Safety

  • Terranova Ranch

    Partners in Safety

  • The Wonderful Company

    Legacy Circle

  • Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance

  • Duncan Family Farms

  • The Morning Star Company

  • Walsh Vineyards Management

  • Silverado Farming Company, Inc.

  • Rios Farming Company, LLC

  • Ocean Mist Farms

  • Al Pak Labor/Braga Ranch

  • Paragon Personnel

  • Syngenta

  • Premium Packing

  • Fetzer Vineyards

  • Premium Employment Services

  • Pacific Internal Marketing / Dynapac Harvesting