Employer Regulations


FAQs: COVID-19 Prevention Standard Text
Provided by: Cal/OSHA  

COVID-19 Prevention – Non Emergency Regulation – What Employers Need to Know
Provided by: Cal/OSHA 

California Department of Public Health

COVID-19 Close Contact Guidance

Provided by: CA Dept. of Public Health


Face Coverings 
Provided by: CA Dept. of Public Health

Employers required to review and learn when employees must wear face coverings.


CDPH and Cal/OSHA Interim Guidance for Ventilation, Filtration, and Air Quality in Indoor Environments

Provided by: CA Dept. of Health 

Employers required to review.

California Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Employer Vaccination Toolkit
Provided by: CA Labor and Workforce Development Agency

COVID-19 Employer Portal
A tool designed for California employers to find state and local COVID-19 guidance for their business and more! Generate custom road maps of information so your business can operate safer, protect employees and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.
Provided by: CA Labor and Workforce Development Agency


California Department of Fair Employment and Housing

California Issues Guidance to Businesses on Civil Rights and COVID-19 Safety Measures Press Release

Provided by: California Department of Fair Employment and Housing | Posted October 18, 2021


Guidance for California Businesses Regarding COVID-19 Safety Measures and Reasonable Accommodations Frequently Asked Questions

Provided by: California Department of Fair Employment and Housing | Posted October 18, 2021


Regulation: DFEH Employment Information on COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
Provided by: California Department of Fair Employment and Housing | Posted by: March 4, 2021

California Division of Workers' Compensation

COVID-19 Resources and Workers’ Compensation
Provided by: CA Department of Workers’ Compensation | Posted September 2020

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws
Provided by EEOC | Posted June 28, 2021

Programs, Policies & Postings

Programs & Policies

COVID-19 Model Prevention Program
Provided by: Cal/OSHA | Date: Posted June 29, 2021
(Fillable Word) English | Español

Best Practices for COVID-19 Infection Prevention for Agricultural and Livestock Workers
Provided by: Cal/OSHA | Date: Posted March 11, 2021
English | Spanish

COVID Vaccination  Proof 
Provided by: Barsamian and Moody

COVID-19 Daily Checklist for Agricultural Employers
Provided by: Cal/OSHA | Date: Posted July 21, 2020
English | Spanish 

General Checklist for Agricultural Employers
Provided by: Cal/OSHA | Date: Posted: July 21, 2020
English | Spanish


2022 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave

Provided by: Department of Industrial Relations| Date: February 19, 2022

English | Spanish

Combine Physical Distancing with Face Coverings

Provided by: Cal/OSHA | Date: Posted March 3, 2021
English | Spanish

Face Coverings, Masks and Respirators
Provided by: Cal/OSHA | Date Posted: July 9, 2020
English | Spanish






COVID-19 Worker Protection Video – Infection Protection for Agricultural Workers

Provided by: Cal/OSHA
Date Posted: May 20, 2020
Watch in English

Provided by: Cal/OSHA
Date Posted: May 29, 2020
Watch in Spanish

Provided by: Cal/OSHA
Date Posted: June 5, 2020
Watch in Mixteco

Employee Video: COVID-19 Worker Protection Video – Worker Safety Message from the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Provided by: Cal/OSHA
Date Posted: June 8, 2020
Watch in English

Provided by: Cal/OSHA
Date Posted: June 11, 2020
Watch in Spanish

Employee Training Table Tops

Provided by: AgSafe and Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety

Date Posted: November 19, 2021
Available in multiple languages. Click here

Employer Training Discussion Guide

Provided by: Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Date Posted: March 8, 2021

English & Spanish

Employer Training Poster

Provided by: Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Date Posted: March 8, 2021

English & Spanish

COVID-19 Basics PowerPoint Presentation

Provided by: Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Date Posted: March 3, 2021
English | Spanish

Workplace Safety Illustration for COVID-19

Provided by: Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation
Date Posted: Not Available
English | Spanish

  • Del Bosque Farms, INC

    Legacy Circle

  • Alta Vineyard, LP

    Partners in Safety

  • ICW Group

    Partners in Safety

  • Vino Farms

    Partners in Safety

  • Innovative Produce

    Legacy Circle

  • Bayer Crop Science

    Legacy Circle

  • ASP Farm Services

    Legacy Circle

  • AG Health Benefits Alliance

    Partners in Safety

  • Cortina Vineyard Management

    Partners in Safety

  • Lakeside Organic Gardens

    Partners in Safety

  • Ma Garcia Agri Labor, INC.

    Partners in Safety

  • Terranova Ranch

    Partners in Safety

  • The Wonderful Company

    Legacy Circle

  • Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance

  • Duncan Family Farms

  • The Morning Star Company

  • Walsh Vineyards Management

  • Silverado Farming Company, Inc.

  • Rios Farming Company, LLC

  • Ocean Mist Farms

  • Al Pak Labor/Braga Ranch

  • Paragon Personnel

  • Syngenta

  • Premium Packing

  • Fetzer Vineyards

  • Premium Employment Services

  • Pacific Internal Marketing / Dynapac Harvesting

  • Ca-OSHA Reporter

  • Workers’ Comp Executive