Honoring Those That Protect Agricultural Workers

The AllWays Safe Agricultural Safety Awards are designed to honor those businesses and individuals that have committed themselves towards ensuring the safety and health of their workers in the food and farming industry. The AllWays Safe Agricultural Safety Awards are a collaborative effort between AgSafe and the Almond Board of California, who share a commitment to protecting the agricultural industry’s workforce.

The Company Recognition Program will honor two companies — a small company, with 50 or fewer employees and a large company with 51 or more employees. The size of a business plays a role in the scale and scope of a safety and health program. As such, this award will honor the successes of businesses both small and large, in ensuring their workers go home safely at the end each day. In addition, this award will bring to light the positive steps being taken by the food and farming industries to keep employees safe and healthy while continuing to run profitable, successful businesses.

The Individual Recognition Program will honor two employees — a Safety Professional and an Operations/ Production Supervisor. Each individual plays a different but critical role in implementing an effective safety and health program, as well as ensuring all workers have the knowledge and tools needed to go home safely at the end of each day. This award will acknowledge the genuine efforts of two dedicated individuals and provide insight into the selfless work made by safety professionals and operations/production supervisors across food and farming industries.

  • Del Bosque Farms, INC

    Legacy Circle

  • Alta Vineyard, LP

    Partners in Safety

  • ICW Group

    Partners in Safety

  • Vino Farms

    Partners in Safety

  • Innovative Produce

    Legacy Circle

  • Bayer Crop Science

    Legacy Circle

  • ASP Farm Services

    Legacy Circle

  • AG Health Benefits Alliance

    Partners in Safety

  • Cortina Vineyard Management

    Partners in Safety

  • Lakeside Organic Gardens

    Partners in Safety

  • Ma Garcia Agri Labor, INC.

    Partners in Safety

  • Terranova Ranch

    Partners in Safety

  • The Wonderful Company

    Legacy Circle

  • Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance

  • Duncan Family Farms

  • The Morning Star Company

  • Walsh Vineyards Management

  • Silverado Farming Company, Inc.

  • Rios Farming Company, LLC

  • Ocean Mist Farms

  • Al Pak Labor/Braga Ranch

  • Paragon Personnel

  • Syngenta

  • Premium Packing

  • Fetzer Vineyards

  • Premium Employment Services

  • Pacific Internal Marketing / Dynapac Harvesting

  • Ca-OSHA Reporter

  • Workers’ Comp Executive