Injury and Illness Prevention Program


Protection from Wildfire Smoke



AgSafe Wildfire Protection Onboarding Training Video

This video provides relevant training information to employees regarding protection from wildfire smoke. Some of the employee topics covered include health effects of wildfire smoke, the right to obtain medical treatment, how to  obtain the current Air Quality Index, and the limitations and benefits of respirators. What you will receive when you purchase this program is:
  • Video recording in English (15.20 minutes) and Spanish (18.46 minutes)
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Video recording on how to properly apply a respirator
  • Sample Sign-Ins

AgSafe/UnitedAg Members Pricing: $250.00

Non-Member Pricing: $300.00

Heat Illness Prevention Outdoor


Heat Illness Prevention Indoor


Heat Illness Prevention Training Video

This video will review the basic heat illness prevention elements workers need to know.  Topics covered include access to water, shade and breaks, signs and symptoms of heat illness and basic treatment, information regarding high heat procedures and what to do in case of an emergency.

What you will receive when you purchase this program is:

  • Video recording in English (27.30 minutes) and Spanish (30.12 minutes)
  • Notice of Requirements with Checklist
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Sample Sign-In Sheet
  • Contact us for a sample Heat Illness Prevention Program

AgSafe/UnitedAg Members Pricing: $500.00

Non-Member Pricing: $600.00

Pesticide Safety


Pesticide Safety Training for Growers

Beginning in April 2019, AgSafe undertook outreach and training efforts to provide growers across the Hawaiian Islands, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, with hands-on,  interactive pesticide safety training and materials.  The classes addressed:

    • General Pesticide Safety
    • Hazard Communication
    • Worker Protection Standard Training Elements
    • Decontamination
    • Personal Protective Equipment
    • Pesticide Application Compliance
    • Employer Responsibilities
    • Employee Rights
    • Visual aids and training tools to use with employees
    • Sample compliance and training forms
  • To download the Pesticide Safety Training Materials in different languages—including Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, Ilokano and English—right click on the individual links and save the PDF files to your desktop. If you have questions on how to use the kit or relative to pesticide safety in general, please contact AgSafe at or by calling 209-526-4400.  Please note that the kit was originally produced in April 2019 and as such, reflects the requirement of the Worker Protection Standard at that time.  Updates to the standard may have occurred since then and subsequently, these materials would not be current.  

Workplace Violence

  • Del Bosque Farms, INC

    Legacy Circle

  • Alta Vineyard, LP

    Partners in Safety

  • ICW Group

    Partners in Safety

  • Vino Farms

    Partners in Safety

  • Innovative Produce

    Legacy Circle

  • Bayer Crop Science

    Legacy Circle

  • ASP Farm Services

    Legacy Circle

  • AG Health Benefits Alliance

    Partners in Safety

  • Cortina Vineyard Management

    Partners in Safety

  • Lakeside Organic Gardens

    Partners in Safety

  • Ma Garcia Agri Labor, INC.

    Partners in Safety

  • Terranova Ranch

    Partners in Safety

  • The Wonderful Company

    Legacy Circle

  • Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Insurance

  • Duncan Family Farms

  • The Morning Star Company

  • Walsh Vineyards Management

  • Silverado Farming Company, Inc.

  • Rios Farming Company, LLC

  • Ocean Mist Farms

  • Al Pak Labor/Braga Ranch

  • Paragon Personnel

  • Syngenta

  • Premium Packing

  • Fetzer Vineyards

  • Premium Employment Services

  • Pacific Internal Marketing / Dynapac Harvesting

  • Ca-OSHA Reporter

  • Workers’ Comp Executive